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The project to audit the sales volume of the announced container manufacturers through related books and to exam and administer the container sellers

We interviewed totaled 29 enterprises while having performed “the assignment of interviewing and investigating sellers, or dealer, of containers and empty bottles”. The statistics results showed that there were 48 upper stream enterprises which purchased the empty bottles from container manufacturers. Among these 48 enterprises, 29 of them have completed registrations; the rest of them, 19 enterprises or 39.58%, were considered for not having registered. We took totaled 2,209 samples out of 29 enterprises, including disposing factories and recycling enterprises while having performing “the assignment of investigating discarded containers by sampling”. The performing rate reached 145%. A self-developed software named “the program to compute market share of container goods at recycling ends” was also used in recording the sampling results one by one. Through statistics and analysis, there were 665 samples left to be clarified, which were the merchandise containers manufactured with non-announced materials, or the merchandise containers with differences between labels and registered names or the merchandise containers from suspiciously non-registered container manufacturers (importers). We examined 163 container manufacturers while having performing “the assignment of examining sales volume of container manufacturers through books”. The performing rate reached 109%. The results showed that there were totaled 2142 buyers who were reported short in the sales volumes. Among these 2142 buyers, 791 of them have completed registrations and the rest of them, or 1351 buyers, were left for further examination. We will follow the agreement and advise Environmental Protection Administration to perform further examination step by step by other organizations.